The following weekly review is behind as well, but hopefully I will soon catch up.
Weekly Review Feb 20-26, 2017
This week’s big adventure was a roadtrip. We spent 11 days driving from San Francisco Bay area to Phoenix via Joshua Tree National Park. In Phoenix we rented a travel trailer and then roadtripped with it attached to a truck for five days. We visited Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument, Saguaro National Park, both in Arizona, then White Sands National Monument in New Mexico and Petrified Forest National park in Arizona again. We returned the travel trailer back in Phoenix, then drove to Las Vegas via London Bridge (can you imagine, its a real bridge moved from London to Arizona!). After Las Vegas we went to Death Valley Racetrack Playa and camped there overnight. We were hoping to see wildflowers like last year around this time but it was too cold for them to have come out yet this year. Seeing Racetrack Playa and camping in such a remote place was worth it though! In total we did 3300 miles. I will write more about the trip separately.
Unfortunate side effect of traveling is that most of my habits went haywire.
Write every day: 6/7 – missed one day!
Number of words written: 2309 and more than half of it was written on a single day, so not much at all on other days.
Blogposts published: 0
Number of days behind on personal email: 37 days behind – I haven’t touched email at all this week. Doesn’t surprise me, when I am out in the nature email is the last thing on my mind (also usually I don’t have any reception).
When I travel I try to read one book per trip that is somehow related to the trip, usually either history or a memoir that is set at that place. For this trip I picked a book with a roadtrip theme – Jack Kerouac’s On the Road. It has been on my list to read forever.
Health & Fitness
Fitbit steps: 75,439 – more because of hiking and out and about!
Be active 6 days a week: 2/6 – in general I was active per the Fitbit step count, but the two recorded activities on Strava was a 0.9 mile walk and a 4.8 mile hike. Sitting in a car on a roadtrip doesn’t lend to that much working out.
Meditate every day: 3/7 – totally lost the habit while traveling, I was forgetting about it as my normal morning routine was different.
No Facebook before noon: 7/7 not that there was much temptation with no reception while out in the nature. 🙂
No added sugar 5 days a week: 0/5 – totally failed. Traveling and buying any snacks without sugar is really hard, so I just gave up until I got home. Battle for another time.